Open Source DHuS Project participated to the following Conferences with oral and poster presentations:

FOSS4G Europe 2017 was held in Marne-la-Vallée on July 18th-22nd 2017. The third edition of the conference is organized at École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (ENSG). This event aimed at bringing Open Source GIS users and developers together and fostering closer interactions amongst the european geospatial communities.

EGU 2018
The scientific programme of the General Assembly 2018 includes special scientific and interdisciplinary events as well as oral, PICO, and poster sessions on disciplinary and interdisciplinary topics covering the full spectrum of the geosciences and the space and planetary sciences. Furthermore, medal lectures, great debates, short courses, townhall meetings, and splinter meetings complete the overall programme.

COSPAR was created in 1958 to promote international cooperation in the pursuit of scientific research in space. It was the dawn of the space age which had just arrived with the launches of Sputnik 1 by the USSR in late 1957, and Explorer 1 by the US in early 1958. More fully known as the Committee on Space Research of the International Council for Science (ICSU), COSPAR was created with an emphasis on the exchange of results, information and opinions in space research. In the execution of its primary charter, COSPAR meetings and events have become key venues for the creation and extension of partnerships between the individuals and nations pursuing research in the space sciences. The primary means by which COSPAR achieves its objectives is the biennial COSPAR Scientific Assembly which over the decades has garnered recognition as the premier forum for presenting the most important results in space research, and for bringing together the widest spectrum of research in the space sciences.

COWM 2018
The Eastern Alps Hydrographic District organised the 2nd International Conference on Citizen Observatories for natural hazards and Water Management that was held in the beautiful city of Venice, Italy. COWM2018 focused on the potential of Citizen Science in the European (and beyond) innovation landscape, and in particular in the fields of Environmental Monitoring, Natural Risks management, Land use monitoring and management. The Conference will investigate the role and opportunities for active citizen participation in policy making and the new technologies, methods and advanced modelling to support Citizen Observatories.

The European Space Agency (ESA) organised a Φ-week event focusing on EO Open Science and FutureEO to review the latest developments in Open Science trends and kick-start innovative activities of the recently created Φ-department. This department and its associated Φ-lab is looking at FutureEO and aims to identify, support and scale bold EO ideas. This event will be hosted in ESA-ESRIN.

Living Planet Symposium 2019
This symposium focuses on how Earth Observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth Observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.